Frequently Asked Questions

What is Celebrate Recovery @SBC?

  • We are: a safe place, a refuge, a place of belonging, a place to care for others and be cared for, where respect is given to each member, where confidentiality is highly regarded, a place to learn, to grow and become strong again, where you can take off your mask, a place for healthy challenges and healthy risks, a possible turning point in your life.
  • We are NOT: a place of selfish control, therapy, a place for secrets, a place to look for dating relationships, a place to rescue or be rescued by others, a place of perfection, a long-term commitment, a place to judge others, a quick fix.

Who is Celebrate Recovery @SBC for?

  • Celebrate Recovery @SBC is for anyone struggling with life. If you have ever had a hurt, if you have ever had a hang-up in life, or perhaps you have struggled with an addiction, then this ministry is for you. We all share one thing in common: hurt.

How do I get started?

  • The entry point is to come through to Celebrate Recovery @SBC on a Thursday night starting at 18:30. After the worship service we will have you go to a Newcomer group your first meeting. This will give you a feel for what to expect in the small groups. All you have to do is show up and we will walk you through everything.
  • 18:30 – 19:30 – Large Group Meeting
    19:30 – 20:00 – Grab a bite to eat
    20:00 – 21:30 – Open Share Small Group Meetings

What can I expect?

  • Celebrate Recovery @SBC is one of the most loving environments you will be a part of. Everyone here is on the same road as you are, and though your issues may differ in some ways we all are seeking truth in the same way. This is a safe environment where you can take your mask off and be who you are.

Does it cost anything to attend?

  • Celebrate Recovery @SBC does not charge for this ministry. Free-will offerings are received on Thursday evenings. Celebrate Recovery @SBC is self-supporting. Workbooks are utilized in the Step Studies and are available on Thursday evenings. Prices for these materials are R50.00.

What is the difference between a 'sponsor' and an 'accountability partner'?

  • We cover this topic extensively whenever you join a step study group. However, in short, an accountability partner is anyone that you trust that is on the road with you in life. This person will be one for you to call and check-up with periodically. They can be trusted to point you to truth, to encourage your attendance to meetings, and walk with you on the road to recovery. A sponsor is an accountability partner who has completed the recovery process. Ideally, you want the sponsor to have recovery in issues similar to your own, so they can relate to you and your journey. All accountability partners and sponsors are to be the same gender.

What is recovery?

  • In physical health, recovery refers to the process of moving from illness to wellness. Our hurts, habits and hang-ups are like an illness and using the tools of Celebrate Recovery we begin to move toward wholeness. Some might say from bondage to freedom in Christ. Others might say from self-reliance to faith in Christ.

Who started Celebrate Recovery?

  • John Baker started Celebrate Recovery with the main purpose of being able to talk about Jesus Christ as his Higher Power.

Is Celebrate Recovery @SBC for me?

  • Celebrate Recovery @SBC offers a person the opportunity to participate in a group fellowship where love and hope combine with God’s purpose to mend our lives. Ask yourself… (1) Are there things in my life that I do that hurt others? (2) Is there something I wish I could live without? (3) Is it time to crack my denial and admit I am not in control of my life? (4) Do I have a painful habit or hang-up from which I need to be freed? If you answered “yes” to any of these statements then we urge you to attend a Celebrate Recovery @SBC meeting to see if it is for you.

Is Celebrate Recovery @SBC confidential?

  • Yes, Celebrate Recovery @SBC maintains strict confidentiality. This promotes an atmosphere of trust and enables recovery. We have a saying that is repeated in every Large Group meeting : WHO you see here. WHAT you hear here. WHEN you leave here. STAYS HERE. Here! Here! We are diligent about confidentiality and anonymity. The guidelines/rules protect all of us from judgment and being “fixed”. In a “safe place” you can take off your “mask” and be real and honest without fear. You are 100% in control of when and how much you participate.

Do I have to be a member of Sandton Bible Church to come to Celebrate Recovery @SBC?

  • No, Celebrate Recovery @SBC is a ministry for anyone who is interested in a Christ centered recovery program that will enable them to recover from life’s hurts, hang-ups, habits and addictions. There are attendees who are not members and/or do not attend Sandton Bible Church. You are welcomed by our loving fellowship of believers to visit with us for our Sunday service.

What is a Step Study?

  • Step Study meetings are gender-specific and meet on different days than the main Celebrate Recovery Thursday evenings.  Celebrate Recovery @SBC uses the Twelve Steps and its related Scripture as the biblical model for living your life. A Step Study is a personal journey though each of these steps in a confidential group lead by a facilitator who has completed a study. When you finish the study you will have worked your hurts, habits, and hang-ups through each step. A Step Study is a long-term commitment to the members of the group. It will typically take 12 months to complete the study. After completing the Step Study, we hope you will join with us as we help others dealing with their hurts, habits/ and hang-ups. We do have guidelines for the groups that are strictly followed.

What if I can't make it every week?

  • You are encouraged to come weekly, especially for the Step Study. As with any endeavor, the more effort you put into Celebrate Recovery @SBC, the more benefit you will gain.

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